Board Members

Hirofumi Yanagase
Member of the House of Councillors
National Proportional Representation Block

Chairman of Committee on General Affairs (concurrently Chairman of the National Restoration Liaison Committee)
Electoral district National Proportional Representation Block
Biography Born November 8, 1974, in Ota-ku, Tokyo.
Graduated from Yaguchi Nishi Elementary School, Kaijo Junior & Senior High School, and Waseda University.
Currently enrolled in Master's program at the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, Tsukuba University.
After seven years of private-sector experience at JR East Marketing & Communications Inc., he became the first official secretary to a Member of the House of Councillors.
Topped the election to Ota City Assembly in 2007
Elected to the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly for the first time in 2009 (3 terms, 10 years)
Became interested in politics after learning about the realities of child abuse.
"Never waste a single yen of taxpayer money!" is his motto.
Broadcasts factional general meetings via his "Yana-chan" YouTube channel.
His live broadcasts of Tokyo politics have become a hot topic.
Representative of the Tokyo Restoration Association, author of "The Depths of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government" (Shogakukan Shinsho).
Date of birth 1974/11/8


Regional Office 〒100-8962
3F Daini Sakura Bldg, 3-11-19 Chidori, Ota-ku, Tokyo
National Diet Office 〒100-8962
Chamber 703, Members’ Office Building, House of Representatives, 2-1-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo